Sri Lankan Demonology
Happily, theHappily, thehistory and doctrine of Budhism are popularly illustrated by Mr. Upbam in his valuable work on that subject ; in which alsoare Notices of the Capuism or Demon-worship, and of theBali or planetary incantations of Ceylon ; embellished with fortythreelithographic prints from original Cingalese designs. Thecontents are founded principally on manuscripts and drawingsin the collection of Sir Alexander Johnston, late President ofHis Majesty's Council and Chief Justice of Ceylon, to whomthe volume is handsomely dedicated, whose interest in everything connected with Oriental literature cannot be estimatedtoo highly, and whose plan for the emancipation of slaves inthat island deserves universal adoption. Seldom do we observean inquiry so abstruse, antique, and multifarious, conductedwith such acuteness and judgment. The reader will findhimself entertained and instructed in the most delightful manner,and rise from the perusal of the work with quickenedsympathy for the miseries of the three hundred millions whofollow such awful delusions, and renewed thankfulness for theblessings of the Christian revelation.
The Goddess Pattinne (Pattinnee Deviya)